Let me begin by saying, this is my third attempt at "blogging"...I hope my third time is a charm! white house, red barn will be an attempt to mesh everything together in our life: our family, home, farm and homemade goodies! I have a creative side to me, I could get lost for hours searching pinterest, reading blogs and being that typical person saying, "I could totally make that!"
My goals for the content of this blog are the following:
Share things that are helpful to our family as we live our simple, but very busy, everyday life
Serve as my creative journal as I craft/make/cook/create things for our children, the holidays, parties and family
Inspire others to create their own DIY things that work well for them
Share our weekly meal planning ideas
Keep our home office organized/functional/workable
Be our renovation notebook as we tackle our dream home and small hobby farm
I hope you will find my things interesting, creative, helpful, etc. I hope to inspire others, just as I have been so in awe over the years. I figured this was my shot at the blog bandwagon too!